Wednesday, December 24, 2008

'Tis the Day Before Christmas and all through the house...

I'm running around with stains on my blouse.
I chew on my lip, pencils shoved in my hair,
breathing as though I can't get any air.
"The gifts are not finished" my hubby had said,
"but nevertheless I am going to bed!"
I thought homemade gifts would be done in a snap
and they'd help us escape from the big buying trap.
"You're so good at crafts" my friends all did flatter
but now I'm facing Christmas looking paler than batter.
So in my last tries to give gifts with flash
I'm staying up all night though I'm sure I will crash.
Tonight these presents I've worked on below
will be wrapped 'neath the tree with hope and some show.
But what is the thing that right now I most fear?
That no gift from me will bring joy or a tear.
For some gifts were made badly, a little too quick
and some were found by a husband who's slick.
No matter the outcome the mantras are the same,
"it's the thought that counts" and "what's in a name?"
So on I keep working (though by noon I might fall)
to provide pretty presents for one and for all.
Oh yes I'll keep hoping, I really will try,
and pray that one gift will cause a smile or a sigh.
But now I must leave, and bid you adieu-
Who knows? I might be working on a present for you....

Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's a Wrap!

I'm pretty much obsessed with wrapping Christmas presents. I love the feel of the paper, tying the bows, even dealing with the tape that inevitably isn't as "invisible" as the packaging claims. Most of all though, I love seeing something that gorgeous underneath the tree. Maybe it's because I was raised in a home where decorating for the holidays is sometimes a certifiable art form, maybe it's because it looks creative but it's really not that hard, or maybe it's just my OCD showing. Whatever it is I still love it. And tonight I got to wrap presents for my mom. It was fabulous! I'm quite jealous that she can afford the sumptuous velvet and metallic papers that I drool over in the stores, but I must say I did a dang good job with the dollar store wrap I got for mine. Hers still look better, but now the whole world knows that the true wrapping genius is yours truly so for today, I am satisfied.

We make some seriously kickin' elves

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Saturday, December 20, 2008

So here we are...

I'm blogging. Are you thrilled? Not gonna lie... I am. I've been meaning to start doing this for a while and I'm glad I finally kicked myself in the pants and actually did it. This will be my sanctuary. My second brain if you will. So welcome, to my innermost thoughts, my crazy memories, and my rants. This is to be an outlet to me for all the crazy things that happen in my life or at least in my head. I'm glad you're here, stick around because the best is yet to come.