pinking shears. perhaps multiple pairs... i've seen some that are scallops that were so cute i nearly passed out. and of course i need the standard zig-zag-y kind.
a dress form. in my size but adjustable. because i'm adjustable too. have you seen how pricey these things are?! oh my.
a new sewing machine. i love mine and i'm SO grateful for it, but i want one that's a little nicer and that has more stitches.
a serger. yum.
rotary cuter and mat set. with a very BIG mat. thank you very much.
a large supply of... supplies. i'd love to have cute fabric and notions on hand so when days like today strike i can just go to work.
embroidery machine. yeah right... maybe when i'm 90 and can't even see what i've embroidered.
really, really good scissors. like my mom's scissors. she let me use them once. it was like butter. practically a spiritual experience.
lessons. because let's face it... i could use some work in the skills department. desire- check. inspiration- check. creativity- check. ability to read a pattern- um. no.
if you happen to know of anyone who's going to throw out/donate any of these things please let me know. we'll skip the middle man and they can donate them to me directly. please and thank you.
ok. now i'm going to get off my behind and hopefully i'll actually make something instead of just whining about how i want to. stay tuned and i'll tell you what i create!
I totally know how you feel. Most of the time when I want to make something I need some sort of supplies. I've been browsing the dollar store for almost anything, Walmart - they have $1 quick cut quilt square that can be used for small projects (like the toy I made and the tie shirt for Drew), Michaels has a $1 section and also a clearance section, and of course DI. I have found a bunch of fun fabrics there for uber cheap. Oh yeah, and I also raided my mom's craft closet for stuff she doesn't use and isn't going to is good too. :D Happy Crafting!